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Setting up and maintaining contextual advertising

Contextual advertising aims to attract potential customers and increase conversions by displaying advertisements that are most relevant to the search phrase.

Setting up contextual advertising involves determining the target audience, selecting keywords and phrases for which advertising will be shown, creating advertisements and setting the campaign budget. Another important step in setting up contextual advertising is selecting the platforms on which the ads will be displayed and determining a targeting strategy. In addition, it is necessary to analyze competitors and determine the optimal indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the campaign.

  • + Yandex.Direct
  • + Yandex.Metrica
  • + Google Analytics
  • + Google Ads
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Contextual advertising plan:

We check the frequency of requests, identify competitors, determine the approximate advertising budget.


We collect keywords, cluster keywords, compose ads.


We select a suitable strategy, analyze and build hypotheses based on the data obtained.


We launch advertising, and set it up from smallest to largest.

We replace employees in the company and work as a remote IT department.

Office launch strategies

Get your advertising account within a few days, and be aware of the process. We have everything you need to launch contextual advertising, and we will be happy to help you.

We not only create contextual advertising, but also take advertising accounts for support and train people within companies.

Setting up contextual advertising

Contextual advertising.

Contextual advertising makes it possible to reach your audience as accurately as possible. This is a tool with a large reach that allows you to attract potentially interested users.

This is a tool with a large reach that allows you to attract potentially interested users.

For online stores with a large number of products, there is also a solution to run ads for each product through the Smart Banners tool.

We connect and configure Yandex.Metrica so that you can see all user actions on your site.

Eliminate inappropriate clicks on ads, increase the number of targeted hits.

Contact us

We would like to know more about your project

Download the brief for contextual advertising (with its help you can more accurately describe your expectations and identify goals)
