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Bot development
any complexity

Each project we develop is unique, it helps to stand out from the gray mass of similar solutions. You set a task - We are working on developing a solution.

We take on business support as a remote IT department. We can make changes to already created programs or telegram bots, develop various programs.

  • + API Development
  • + Backend Development
  • + JavaScript
  • + Node.js
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Preparation of terms of reference

Be sure to draw up a technical task, you add the items you need for the functionality of the bot. During the development process, the terms of reference may change slightly, as agreed.

Code writing

We write functionality in code, not in constructors. This improves performance and allows unlimited expansion of functionality.


We test the bot and debug the errors that appear during the test period. We give a month after the delivery of the project to find errors and fix them.

Project handover

We install the project on your server or leave it on our own. If necessary, we take on full support. We draw up documentation on the use of the product.

Development of programs for business optimization and automation

Software development

Bots can do a lot: answer typical questions, make calculations, create an order basket, place orders, conduct surveys and questionnaires, scan and recognize documents, analyze channel subscribers by reaction, book a client for a reception or event, check the availability of an employee on site, and much more. other.

We can synchronize the bot with CRM systems, the bot can work on any device where the Telegram messenger can be installed.
Bots can significantly facilitate the work of support operators and save customer time.
The client will receive only the information that he requested, without being intrusive.

Programming and development

What kind of business can a bot be useful for?

For drawing up applications by clients with any set of functions - from a calendar for recording to payment for the provision of a service. The advantage is that you do not need to install a special application and everything fits in one telegram application

You can set up a notification about the purchase of any goods - with data on the delivery address and phone number, and any other fields. You can also track the balance in the warehouse or any other indicators that require constant monitoring.

If you have a clear understanding of the business processes that need to be automated in order to free employees from routine work that requires updating data and recalculating it, this can be done using a bot. The bot can read and process information, enter it into PDF, Excel documents, tables, databases.

Accounting for the products produced by each of the employees or the detection of defective products with a subsequent report in a format convenient for you. You do not need to create a separate application for this, just connect the telegram bot.

The bot can collect information from your or any other website, as well as from social networks and post them automatically on your website or social networks.

Work with us

Tell us about your project

Open a brief for chatbot development (with its help you can more accurately describe your expectations and identify goals)
