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Herb shop website

  • Category Sites
  • Client folk herbs
  • Start 13 December 2022
  • Finished 5th of March
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Herb shop website

Website layout according to the customer's design, a large number of products and recipes. Adding pictures and descriptions through Google spreadsheets, importing prices and balances from 1C. The customer can independently change pictures, descriptions, prices and availability of goods from any device, without delving into the jungle of site administration. An alphabetical index of products, site search with instant results and caching for fast loading have been configured.
The site was conceived as a catalog, but for the future it is possible to connect online payment and delivery.

  • + Front End Development
  • + Backend Development
  • + WordPress Development
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Online store from any site

We are ready to make an online store with payment on the site and notifications in messengers for timely processing of orders.

Font Style
  • + Front End Development
  • + Backend Development
  • + WordPress Development
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Grandmother Masha website of folk herbs Site development
